Aren't you curious "What your friends think about you ?"
Reading or delivering thoughts through vibrations is popularly coined as TELEPATHY or CLAIRVOYANCE .The real life application of this super power is endless.
You must have seen the famous fiction show shaktimaan. Did you noticed he used telepathy for sending his messages to Gita Vishwas. But let me remind you that the fiction character Shaktiman actually had the yogic powers.
And today it is proved that Reading mind through Telepathy is possible.
Now let's dig into the facts not the fiction.
What is telepathy ?
Have you ever experienced this, when you want to call someone they call you right then. Or when you wanted to say something, someone says the exactly same thing before you. We are taught this is the concept of co incidence. But did you questioned why coincidence happens ?
This co incidence is nothing but our general referring to telepathy.
Telepathy in love
We feel a special connection with our family members. Many of you would say this is because of the blood relation or the DNA. But you share the same blood group with millions of people. Why don't you feel that same bonding with every person of your blood group?
This special bonding comes from the vibrations. When we grow up we can change the frequency of this vibrations through meditation.
If you have no idea how to do mediation or you you can't do mediation because of the distraction. Then you check out my previous blog Begginers meditation techniques
How to do telepathy ?
We are going to create a concentration of message , which we want to deliver to someone.
- Chose a person
Chose a person with whom you had good relation in the past. It could be anyone from your family or friends. But keep in mind that you don't share any kind or negative realtions with them.
Scientific background of telepathy
Since, 1919s scientists have trying different methods to get into the genuine world of telepathy.
One of them was to tap straight into the nervous system by inserting wireless communicating chips into the body of the sender and the receiver.
As the chip is too big to be implanted into the brain.
Even when the chip was implanted into the arm, they can't be attached to a single specific neuron. Hence they end up picking different singles like anger , pain etc at the same time. Thus making it really hard to send a clear message .
But with time scientists made their way through this problems.
You can check the scientific experiment by clicking on the link given below.
Scientists proved that telepathic communication is within reach
Ancient Guru on telepathy
Swami Vivekananda mentioned in his book how ancient Guru used to communicate with each other thousands and thousands of miles away just by thoughts. It was like the modern internet.
So the question is , Can a human mind be trained to influence another human mind or people who are far away by tuning our mind to the right frequency?
Can we learn the art?
According to the ancient Guru;
When we say mind, we are generally referring to the thought process. This thought process is the most surface element of our mind.
In yogic science there is no importance to what you are thinking or feelings right now.
What can you think?
Only the data that you have collected. You are recycling it. It's of no great significance. What ever is on the surface of the mind keeps rolling.
There are deeper dimensions of the mind . In Sanskrit language there are many words to describe the different states of mind.
There is one aspect of mind which we referred to as "CHITTA"
Chitta is the most innermost core of the mind, which is your connection with what we are referring to as consious mind . If your chitta becomes consious and acquires a certain level of conscious control you will get access to your consciousness.
Consiouness is that dimension which is neither physical nor electrical, nor it is electromagnetic.
If your "CHITTA" becomes mildly consious, your ability to communicate physically or delevering something or an idea is physically possible.
Even Napoleon hills in his book think and grow rich stated that "subconscious mind is the sending station of the brain through which vibrations of thought are broadcast. The creative imagination is the recieving set through which the vibrations of thought are picked up from the ether."
You can buy the book by clicking here
Summary ;
With all the scientific development we still do not know how life really works ?
Well written good piece of work brown girl
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