Do we have hidden superpowers ?


You must have seen superheroes in movies; lifting cars,trucks in air through their thought. 

But have you ever wondered is it even possible in real life ? Can you do it? DO WE HAVE HIDDEN SUPERPOWERS ?
The answer is "YES".  It is possible through a psychic ability , which we call TELEKINESIS. 
It is an ability to move or bend objects physically by non physical means or mental waves. Lifting someone, opening a door depicts telekinesis.
Many believe that we only use 7%  of our brain. If we use 100% of our brain, we could get this superpower.

What science thinks about telekinesis ? Is it real ?

There are many universal laws. One of them states;

"The brain waves can't control objects"

The brain waves can do many things internally, but it can't affect the external objects.

Physicists believe that there are only two things in this universe which can move objects without physical contact.

1. Magnetic force

2. Gravitational force 

But if we link our mental waves with any physical object, we can move that thing with our thought only. 

Experiment which proved telekinesis could exist.

In one of the lab experiment that proved telekinesis could be possible; scientists connected wire to that part of their brain which is responsible for movement with a robotic arm. Surprisingly they were able to move the arm by focusing on their thoughts. 

But this experiment had a medium, we can't call it telekinesis. 

In short they concluded that telekinesis could be possible, if we have a medium .

What ancient monks said about telekinesis ?

Many ancient monks believed that we could achieve the power of telekinesis through meditation. If you are a beginner and have no idea what meditation is and how to do it you can check out my previous blog on meditation for beginners. Click here to view previous blog about meditation

You must have heard about 


It is assumed about him that he had awakened his kundalini and turned to the path of becoming a monk. I will cover this kundalini awakening process in upcoming blogs.BODHI DHARMAN posses many psychic abilities like

  • Telekinesis
  • Telepathy
  • Teleportation

These above three psychic abilities come under a study known as parapsychology. 
The basic difference between an average human mind and the ancient monk's is not that the monks had a different DNA. It is simply that they allow their extra sensory perception and their ability to be inhanced. That is the reason they were able to receive the messages from beyond. 

 Do you think magician use telekinesis to lift humans ?

Magicians use basic scientific concept to show their magic . One of the famous magic trick is to lift a human body in air.

Magician lifting a human body 

Famous magic show 

The brain is a combination of billions of nerve cells, that work together to help us perform our daily activities. Is it possible that the human brain contains even more power waiting to be unlocked.
The untapped potential of the brain is barely researched yet . Those researching creative people assume that most of the work is done (that is truly innovative, new ) is done by the part of the brain which we can't track and is barely understood.

The human unlike the animal's brain contains a large neo- cortex which is responsible for language,logical reasoning and counciousness. Many believe that is also the seat of the psychic abilities.


Our sub conscious mind has many psychic abilities, telekinesis is just one of them. If we can link ourselves to our sub conscious mind we can achieve everything we want. I believe in science, but personally I feel that science has its own limitations there are many things that are beyond science. Almost everything is so mysterious about the brain, we understand the basic of " HOW THINGS WORK ?

But when it comes to our consciousness,our emotions science don't have a proper explanation for this.

It opens up a question" whether our brain's capacity is inside or outside the brain" ?

So what do you think ? Is telekinesis real? Will we be able to awaken our superpowers? Do let me know in the comments. 

